Comments on: I'm having a bad day; updated at midnight I just blather on and on about stuff that interests me, mostly politics and sex and sometimes movies and art. Sun, 19 Jun 2011 14:42:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: dzaster Thu, 03 Apr 2008 21:59:09 +0000 “I Becca Long, you no make fun of me.” John, I say this too myself a lot. Sometimes I am at Starbucks and while I am getting a cup of coffee here it comes in my head, “I Becca Long”……Then I’ll be waiting somewhere, the car wash or doctor’s office……”you no make fun of me”. It really is the best mantra I have ever used. You should try it.

By: RebL Wed, 02 Apr 2008 22:11:44 +0000 Yeah, Dad. I agree with Aunt Mary. BTW, you aren’t 60 until next year, right? So, you’re 59. But let’s say you are 60. Did you watch Barbara Walters last night. If you live to be 100 like that geezer you interviewed, you have 4 more decades to sleep and wake. In the meantime, get a new life, a new career, whatever. Stop living the life you are supposed to live. (You are perfectly self-aware about your tendency to try to live up to someone else’s expectations of who/what you should be – am I giving too much away in a public forum? oh well, the irritants of having children. you can always delete this comment if you wish.)

I have never loved the jobs that I did, which I did because I could and not because I wanted. I feel trapped where I am, but I have big plans for the future and I’ve started working toward them now. For example, did you know I am a guitar player? I won’t say I wish I could play the guitar any more. I play the same 9 notes that Parrish does and because I play the guitar, I am a guitar player. Like all the best notions in my head, Jack turned me onto this one. I’m going to live a long life and so I should start acting like it.

Also, you choose to smoke. Stop being so self-loathing about it. Enjoy the cigs – but not around my kids. Don’t just smoke them – smoooooooke them. It’s not like you are going to quit, so accept that it’s part of who you are – a big, smelly, cancerous, money spending smoker. And that’s okay, Stuart Smaley. Adore the deco swirls forming around your head and filtering the light from your windows as it pollutes your living environment. If it’s one of the few pleasures in your life, then allow it to be pleasurable.

And what’s up with the ennui? Are you Gretta Garbo? And what’s up with the nihilism, which you say it ain’t but it certainly sounds like it is? Who cares if life is pointless or pointed? You told me there are two ways to go through life – laughing or crying. Which are you going to choose? Though to be truthful, you left out a gamut of other things like nagging. I spend a significant amount of time neither laughing nor crying, but rather doing something that sounds like, “Didn’t I tell you twice already to get your shoes on?”

Oh, and you are alone. You are always alone and you will always be alone. Get used to it. No one can fill that void for you. And still you have buddies, colleagues, peers, and family. You may not want to claim us, but here we are pestering you on your blog. Letting you know that we see you and we carry pieces of you with us everywhere and always.

(HA! I wonder where I get my familial reputation as the ice queen? It’s your own fault for passing this crap down and triggering my own interior monologue. Did I mention how much I love and adore you?)

By: nina Wed, 02 Apr 2008 01:38:30 +0000 Bummer on your bad day.

I was home from work too and home all day. Mostly in bed with a migraine. I found myself thinking that maybe if I were actually dating someone, that person could bring me comfort in the form of medicine or ice cream. Of course I could call a friend to do the same, but then I’d feel obligated to brush my hair and teeth. Nah, too much effort.

Saw this quote the other day: “You come into the world alone and you go out of the world alone, yet it seems to me you are more alone while living than even coming and going.”

I’ll be swirling your last question in my mind for myself as well.
