Comments on: June 15, 2011 I just blather on and on about stuff that interests me, mostly politics and sex and sometimes movies and art. Sun, 19 Jun 2011 14:42:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: laocoon Sun, 19 Jun 2011 14:42:05 +0000 B
There are a couple of things about all this I find particularly troublesome.
1. These Randian, Ubermensch heroes rarely outsmart the villain a la Sherlock Holmes (or Thomas Crowne and his affair in the Steve McQueen original). Massively so, these self-reliant heroes and anti-heroes ultimately solve the problem by having the biggest and baddest firearm and the casual ability to kill other human beings without flinching.
2. America’s history of electing as president military heroes dates to our first man on a white horse, George Washington. Ike, the hero of WWII, was a massively popular president and thank the flying spaghetti monster he was not inclined to autocracy. JFK was a military hero and so was George H.W. Bush. As has been noted by a better man than me, if dictatorship comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag — and the equasion of the far right of the Republican Party with patriotism (see, e.g., Sarah Palin) has done an effective job of precisely that.

By: Araquin Sun, 19 Jun 2011 12:37:53 +0000 Good answer!

Yeah, I fear that you are right. There is this right-wing mythical streak in US society – as there is in Europe, of course – but in the US it’s not been challenged by a left-wing mythology at least for half a century, not since the McCarthy years. All that was buried when FDR died, I guess.

As an ex-US-diplomat (actually a Republican) once remarked in Vienna during a heated debate when the Iraq war started: The difference between Europa and America is that even without knowing it themselves (i.e. easily 80%), practically all Europeans have been exposed to Marxist thinking which goes against the worship of the Übermensch who can fix it all and looks at the division of power in a society and at the question of class, while most Americans have not been exposed to it.

I wouldn’t be worried about this streak in US society if it hadn’t been transported massively to Europe via Hollywood movies. Election results lately suggest that European youths, particularly less educated disenchanted males, are beginning to find the easy fix via a “strong man” very attractive as well.


By: laocoon Fri, 17 Jun 2011 06:57:14 +0000 Dearest B,
If I didn’t know you, I wouldn’t attempt to answer your question.

You see, you have a singularly difficult obstacle: critical thinking skills.

I know, I know, it’s embarrassing and I likely shouldn’t have been so public about this disability of yours. Poor thing, you actually read and understand. How effete! How European! How utterly Un-American.

Americans have romanticized and mythologized a kind of “uber-mensch” we see in the movies. From the John Wayne figures in the cowboy movies of the 1950s to the Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry of the 1970s to the more recent Matt Damon Jason Bourne of more recent vintage, young American, testosterone-filled males have looked up to and idolized and identified with hero figures who are capable of solving all problems wholly on their own.

We have no history in America and what little we do have, we have never read, understood nor remembered. Thus, the late 19th Century Spencerian Social Darwinism myths once thought smashed by progressivism still live on in Christian evangelical circles in which it is believed that a very few people get filthy rich by divine right and blessings.

Mix in a good bit of propaganda paid for by some inheritors of great wealth that disguise simple greed as patriotism and — voila! — Randian libertarian idiot fringe political movements that grow like insidious virus.

Of course it’s poppycock and you with your guilty dirty little secret ability to actually dissect that nonsense and see it for what it is find it hard to understand our devotion.

Hope that helps, but if it doesn’t, just drink far too much of that good Viennese beer and sing the Horst Vessel Song until you are almost passed out; in the few minutes before oblivion, screech “Zeig Heil” a few times and just as you pass out, it will make perfect sense.

In the succinct words of Gore Vidal, it’s crypto-fascism, pure and simple.

John, not the superman JohnX one, but the other one.

By: Araquin Fri, 17 Jun 2011 00:27:27 +0000 It might not make your day, but then again, maybe it will: That pseudo-intellectual moron Ayn Rand is completely unknown in Europe. And quite rightly so.
What I find intriguing is the question why on earth this intellectually negligible creature achieved such prominence in the US of A.
