Blogblah!!! » comet I just blather on and on about stuff that interests me, mostly politics and sex and sometimes movies and art. Wed, 07 Dec 2011 03:49:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 February 23, 2009 Mon, 23 Feb 2009 22:31:01 +0000


Can’t swing a cat without hitting a blog
There are so many posts on my friends/fellow bloggers pages about cats! Don’t they know that Sinatra and I hold that franchise? I’ll show them: I’ll blog about relationships today. How ’bout them apples?
I was reminded this weekend of a conversation I once had with a woman about relationships that I thought interesting and enlightening. I won’t name her because I don’t want to shatter her privacy. Anyway, she had at the time what I’ve thought of since as a college transcript notion of relationships.

Everyone, she explained, has certain things they value in a relationship and that list of things may be long or short and each of us puts those values in a priority. Think of those values you have in a relationship as a college class, she went on, and give your partner a “grade” on a scale of 0-100. Maybe your values are: looks, money, security, intellect, sex, humor and kindness. Also imagine that your partner is AT THE MOMENT making a 92 on money, 71 on looks, 80 on security, 99 on intellect, 72 on sex, 68 on humor and 55 on kindness. As each “test” of the relationship comes along, the grades change from time to time, don’t you know. So, at the moment, you’re real pissed off about that failing grade in kindness class. However, the partner’s overall grade is 76.7, a pretty high “C”. Since the overall grade is “passing”, you don’t break up. It’s a theory that’s as good as the next as far as I’m concerned.
I have a more simple measure for relationships. Both partners have to be intellectually challenged and challenging; both must be emotionally fulfilled and fulfilling; both partners must be sexually satisfied and satisfying. Head, heart and body, the good old three part dance that the ego, superego and id demand, my “triune” brain looking for threes. A relationship can go a short time on only one of those three, longer on two, but can’t be stable and “good” for a lifetime without all three, IMHO. If you have trouble in one of the areas, the first thing to do is check out yourself. If your sex life seems to be getting boring, who’s fault is that if not your own? If you’re not emotionally fulfilled, are you getting back just what you are giving or are you blocking out the possibilities with your own “stuff” and baggage? You’d best be saying something other than “the game’s on” if you want to complain about the intellectual aridity of the conversation.
Past that, Solomon’s Proverbs say (Today’s Thought) that it’s better to live alone in a desert than to live with a quarrelling wife. It sounds like the voice of experience of a man who ended up with 700 concubines and wives.


Pot Legal In Mass., butt …
You can now possess up to an ounce of pot in Massachusetts and it’s a civil fine of $100. However, now they are arguing whether they can criminalize USE of pot — $300 and jail if you pull out a joint and start smoking in public. If it just weren’t so cold in Boston in the winter, but ah, well.

It’s not exactly headline news, but Che, daughter of Jer-Dog, is having a three family, three day garage sale March 6-7-8 and requests we bring cash. You’ve been warned.

John X, the heinous one, has now landed safely in Austria with only carry on luggage and a need to blog. You can catch his adventures on his temporary blog HERE.

A green, two-tailed comet will appear tonight

Green Two-Tailed Comet Comes Close Tonight

Green Two-Tailed Comet Comes Close Tonight


Chariman of the Bored

Chariman of the Bored

Muffy, what’s he thinking? Of course there are a lot of blogs about cats. We rule the world, don’t we? The lesser beings always gossip about the royalty. Long Live Smudge! Long Live Ollie! Long Live Marley! Sinatra is the Master of the Universe!
What’s so hard about blogging about cats? We’re very interesting.

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