Blogblah!!! » Marijuana I just blather on and on about stuff that interests me, mostly politics and sex and sometimes movies and art. Wed, 07 Dec 2011 03:49:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 March 9, 2009 Tue, 10 Mar 2009 03:41:46 +0000 WARNING!!!: LANGUAGE IS NOT SAFE FOR WORK

shut up, he explained

shut up, he explained


The more you know
The less you understand

Tao te Ching #47

I’ve read about alcoholism. I’ve read AA’s “Big Book” and the so-called 12X12 and other AA approved literature. I’ve read lots of other stuff, too. But, really, I don’t know all that much about the disease and don’t pay nearly as much attention to the subject as I might. Lots and lots of people know a lot more about it than I do. However, I do have an understanding of what it is like not to have any alcohol for more than 12 continuous years, no matter how much you may want a beer, a flute of champagne or a couple fingers Scotch, single malt, neat, with a sidecar of still water over ice. What that understanding is that I have I can’t tell you. I don’t have words for it. Even if I did have the words, you still would have only the knowledge of what I said and not my understanding of what I’ve lived on a day at a time basis.

It is the same with my depression. I’ve read so many self help books, you wouldn’t believe. I’ve read psychology books, treatment manuals, the list goes on and on. Still, any physician or pharmacist likely knows more about my disease as a medical condition than I ever will. I don’t really know an awful lot about the disease. I do, however, have an understanding of living with it for the past 25 years as a chronic condition. I’ve read many deft and evocative passages by people like Mike Wallace and Dick Cavett about their experience, but I also understand something of their experience that isn’t in the words.
I have at least one friend who is a diabetic and another who has grand mal epileptic seizures. Two more chronic conditions that can’t be seen or discovered by the casual observer. Two more conditions that have certain demands and realities. Same with allergies, same with lots of things.
In this passage of the Tao, Lao Tsu tells us that you can read all you want about spirituality and you can think about it until the world goes level, but you won’t understand it until you experience it.
I recently re-read Siddhartha by Herman Hesse and the last of that novel contains a passage of conversation between the enlightened Siddhartha and his childhood friend Govinda. Siddhartha says about the same thing: that there are simply times and situations in which words won’t do, in which explanations can’t be had, and yet there is a reality to be experienced that can be understood.
Having recently had the very bad judgment to try and write about relationships, I now realize that part of the problem is that I can observe women to beat the band and read like hell about them, but that I’ll never really understand and vice versa. Better, I now think, to be much more concerned about the HUMAN condition and what I can understand of what we do have in common.
That’s enough musing for one post.


Roger Ebert does a second review of “Watchmen”, the movie he saw and reviewed once on a regular screen and this time on IMAX. His review includes several YouTube type videos about the science of the movie, especially about Dr. Manhatten the Quantum Man and how real quantum physics aligns with the movie. I haven’t seen the movie yet, but the science vids were pretty interesting. Below is some folderol only tangentially related to the movie, but it kind of goes along with the musings above and was among the videos appended to Ebert’s review.


Does DST really save energy? Not so much

My ex-wife used to express the most vehement dislike of the time change to Daylight Savings Time. I disliked it, too, and we riffed on it almost every year. To my way of thinking, DST is just that much greater chance that I’ll be bored to utter tears by golf anecdotes and detailed descriptions of all 91 strokes my interlocutor took going round all 18 holes. Golfers, in my view, are a plague on the planet and should be eradicated for ecological reasons in addition to the social advantages of their absence from gatherings where alcohol is served. And the one and only reason we have DST, as far as I can tell, is to advantage them to even more boring adventures. Whatever golfers like, I’m against it. As Twain remarked of golf, “a good walk ruined.” I could forgive them much, perhaps even the annoyance of changing my clocks and missing appointments, if they just didn’t feel that the rest of the population of the world is waiting with bated breath to hear their pathetic little stories. My spleen feels just slightly less full of bile now, thank you very much for letting me rant.

One Way to Calm Down From a Rant

medical marijuana slideshow by CNBC Biz Channel

I personally have never seen even one of these 12 varieties of marijuana, but they are beautiful. Some are lavender, some a silvery white, others with rusty red mixed with oranges and yellows. I guess it’s been a while for me, but the prices seemed sky high: $400 an ounce up to $7,000 a pound. That’s some heavy lifting in my books.

Obama signals feds to end pot prosecutions

I think it’s appropriate for the federal government to decide that when a state legalizes pot for medical purposes, that the feds should stay out of it in the absence of some very unusual circumstance. If I understand correctly, the feds will still intercept Mexican pot coming over in commercial quantity, but they won’t interfere with the homegrown stuff in Humboldt County being used, ostensibly, for legal purposes. Of course, I’m one of the people who thinks it should be legalized, taxed and all those pretty normal people doing time for holding should be released from prison post haste. This decision by the Obama Justice Dept. seems like the same kind of pragmatism he’s showing in other areas. I’m beginning to think of Obama as embodying “The Vital Center” (and if you don’t know that reference, don’t worry, but I’m not going to explain.)

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February 23, 2009 Mon, 23 Feb 2009 22:31:01 +0000


Can’t swing a cat without hitting a blog
There are so many posts on my friends/fellow bloggers pages about cats! Don’t they know that Sinatra and I hold that franchise? I’ll show them: I’ll blog about relationships today. How ’bout them apples?
I was reminded this weekend of a conversation I once had with a woman about relationships that I thought interesting and enlightening. I won’t name her because I don’t want to shatter her privacy. Anyway, she had at the time what I’ve thought of since as a college transcript notion of relationships.

Everyone, she explained, has certain things they value in a relationship and that list of things may be long or short and each of us puts those values in a priority. Think of those values you have in a relationship as a college class, she went on, and give your partner a “grade” on a scale of 0-100. Maybe your values are: looks, money, security, intellect, sex, humor and kindness. Also imagine that your partner is AT THE MOMENT making a 92 on money, 71 on looks, 80 on security, 99 on intellect, 72 on sex, 68 on humor and 55 on kindness. As each “test” of the relationship comes along, the grades change from time to time, don’t you know. So, at the moment, you’re real pissed off about that failing grade in kindness class. However, the partner’s overall grade is 76.7, a pretty high “C”. Since the overall grade is “passing”, you don’t break up. It’s a theory that’s as good as the next as far as I’m concerned.
I have a more simple measure for relationships. Both partners have to be intellectually challenged and challenging; both must be emotionally fulfilled and fulfilling; both partners must be sexually satisfied and satisfying. Head, heart and body, the good old three part dance that the ego, superego and id demand, my “triune” brain looking for threes. A relationship can go a short time on only one of those three, longer on two, but can’t be stable and “good” for a lifetime without all three, IMHO. If you have trouble in one of the areas, the first thing to do is check out yourself. If your sex life seems to be getting boring, who’s fault is that if not your own? If you’re not emotionally fulfilled, are you getting back just what you are giving or are you blocking out the possibilities with your own “stuff” and baggage? You’d best be saying something other than “the game’s on” if you want to complain about the intellectual aridity of the conversation.
Past that, Solomon’s Proverbs say (Today’s Thought) that it’s better to live alone in a desert than to live with a quarrelling wife. It sounds like the voice of experience of a man who ended up with 700 concubines and wives.


Pot Legal In Mass., butt …
You can now possess up to an ounce of pot in Massachusetts and it’s a civil fine of $100. However, now they are arguing whether they can criminalize USE of pot — $300 and jail if you pull out a joint and start smoking in public. If it just weren’t so cold in Boston in the winter, but ah, well.

It’s not exactly headline news, but Che, daughter of Jer-Dog, is having a three family, three day garage sale March 6-7-8 and requests we bring cash. You’ve been warned.

John X, the heinous one, has now landed safely in Austria with only carry on luggage and a need to blog. You can catch his adventures on his temporary blog HERE.

A green, two-tailed comet will appear tonight

Green Two-Tailed Comet Comes Close Tonight

Green Two-Tailed Comet Comes Close Tonight


Chariman of the Bored

Chariman of the Bored

Muffy, what’s he thinking? Of course there are a lot of blogs about cats. We rule the world, don’t we? The lesser beings always gossip about the royalty. Long Live Smudge! Long Live Ollie! Long Live Marley! Sinatra is the Master of the Universe!
What’s so hard about blogging about cats? We’re very interesting.

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January 27, 2009 (updated) Tue, 27 Jan 2009 18:25:55 +0000 My yucca plants covered with ice and snow

My yucca plants covered with ice and snow


Since the courthouse is closed today due to the weather “emergency”, I thought I’d take time from being bored at the house and maybe do a little blogging since I’ve not really written anything since the Inauguration on the 20th, a week ago. Before he tells you all about it, I’ve got to admit to a tiny bit of cruelty: I laughed and laughed and could not make myself come to the rescue of Sinatra late yesterday afternoon when he found himself in the middle of an icy driveway and couldn’t get any traction. Have you ever seen a cat lose its footing? I don’t think that happens often, or at least I don’t see it often, and watching my “snow cat” floundering just struck me funny. So funny, as it happens, I couldn’t keep my own footing well enough to go rescue him. When I finally got to him to pick him up and carry him back inside, he was PISSED. Fortunately for me, it was nothing a good petting and a little canned food wouldn’t assuage.

LongRydeHome's Earth/Sky/Water sculpture at my house, now improved and new with SNOW added!

LongRydeHome's Earth/Sky/Water sculpture at my house, now improved and new with SNOW added!

While I was outside taking pictures, I snapped a shot of the sculpture that is installed in my front yard. This work is by my blog buddie, LongRydeHome, who graciously commends and refers to my Jan. 20 post, and I thought I’d plug her work. It’s not really set at such an angle, by the way, that’s just my bad picture taking. The small ball represents the earth and the semi-circle around it is the sky; the dangling piece is obviously waves of water if you ever get a chance to look at the piece. Now, of course, it’s new and improved with not just earth, not just sky and more than water — introducing the new and improved WITH SNOW version of KO’s work! I love the way the sculpture works with the arc of a wall just behind it and the rocks that provide the setting.

The view down 61st Street, looking east from my house

The view down 61st Street, looking east from my house

Just so that Nojackla, Mom-A-Tron and MindOverMary, living in New Orleans, Tucson and Charleston respectively, can remember what Oklahoma winter weather is like, I thought I’d let ‘em see down my street why their hometown is shut down. As I write this at midday, just about 11:30 a.m., the weather report says it’s 20 degrees (F) and snowing on top of the ice we got on the streets last night. A few good and brave folks, including Muffy, are out on the streets, but an old guy like me knows better than to even try.

New Avatar?

New Avatar?

When I run out of cigarets, I’ll either stop or put on a lot of warm clothes because it’s pretty toasty here in my little studio and it just looks miserable outside with it snowing/sleeting hard enough for me to hear it hit the bushes even through my closed window.
John X was wearing a hat at the RC the other day when I tried to take a snapshot of him, but he turned the tables and took a picture of me wearing his hat. What do you think? Better or worse than the black and white “GQ” picture? Does this look like the sort of man who’s blog you’d like to read? Better yet, does this look like the kind of lawyer that could get you divorced? Yeah, that’s what I thought, too.
A lonely blogger types his fingers to the bone

A lonely blogger types his fingers to the bone

I’ve been playing with my computer and i-Phone during this bad weather and picked up some nice free “apps” for the phone: Shazam, which will listen to a few notes of any music and then tell you what the song is, who sings it and refers you to the YouTube where you can see the video or refers you to the i-Pod/i-Tunes download; Stanza, which lets you download free books from the public domain and read them on your phone; and also Google Earth, with which most of you are familiar from your laptop or desktop. Does the thumbnail on the right look more “bloggish”? I think this is the best picture Sinatra has ever taken of me, but that may be a matter of taste.


Just because you’re in the driver’s seat doesn’t mean you have to run over people.

The Last Lecture
Randy Pausch


$100 Civil Fine for Pot Debated

Top 10 Ways to Destroy Earth


Chairman of the Bored

Chairman of the Bored

Muffy, he laughed at me. I am the most fearsome hunter in the territory and a ruler of the universe and he laughed at me. I’m humiliated. When he sees the heating bill from opening and closing the door and window to let me in and out 50 times today, he won’t be laughing then, oh, no. He’s been extra careful to keep his closet shut so I can’t get to his shoes and poo in them, but I’m watching and waiting and he’ll forget one of these days and then!…shoe poo!
Muffy, you just wait and see if I don’t.

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