Blogblah!!! » Politics I just blather on and on about stuff that interests me, mostly politics and sex and sometimes movies and art. Wed, 07 Dec 2011 03:49:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Meme Too Far Wed, 09 Jun 2010 12:20:45 +0000 Just want to make a short observation about political reporting. For weeks, the “meme” (a sort of made up word I don’t particularly like, but which is serviceable for this purpose) has been that it’s an anti-incumbent year and that the Dems, being the incumbents, will have more than the normal share of problems for a White House in an off-year election. A Deepwater Horizon of digital ink has been spilled about this idea.


Vintage RayBans

I respectfully dissent.

Look at last night’s election results without any coloring.

On the East Coast in So. Car., Mrs. Nikki Haley is cruising towards being elected the first woman governor of that state.

In Arkansas, Sen. Blanche Lincoln fought off a stiff male challenge from the left (yes, I intended that).

In Nevada, Sue Lowden and Sharron Angles vied for the right to challenge Majority Leader Harry Reid.

In California, the Republican Party nominated Meg Whitman for Governor and Carley Fiorina to face incumbent U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer.

I’m not inclined to make too much of this, except to say I think too little has been made of an election in which so many women have played such a prominent role and been so successful at such a high level. I’ll also note that Oklahoma is very likely to have its first woman governor. With the exception of Sen. Lincoln, all those women are Republicans, which seems counterintuitive on several levels considering the policy stances of that party vis the Democratic Party.

Something is going on that has little to do with incumbency, it seems to me, but it also seems that it may be too difficult for political writers to think and write about.

I’m going to leave it there and let you guys draw your own conclusions.


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December 12, 2009 Sat, 12 Dec 2009 16:36:19 +0000 I’ve had this cold and it’s kept me inside for several days. Yesterday, I had no choice but to leave the house briefly to make a deposit for a client as promised. I bravely went forth, bundled up and feeling good about my break from cabin fever after a couple of days indoors.

Bad move.

I didn’t have a choice, but I wasn’t as well as I thought. I got home and imploded.

Meanwhile, on the national politics front, that do-nothing Obama; what can I say? In one week, all he was able to accomplish was a Nobel Prize acceptance speech hailed by both right and left, passage by the House of Wall Street regulatory reform and passage by both houses of Congress of a $1.2 Trillion budget, all while the health care reform bill is being filibustered by the same Republicans that passed the biggest government intrusion into the health care field since Medicare on the back of a $1.2 Trillion unfunded deficit spending Part D Medicare drug program. Tea bag my ass.


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October 4, 2009 Sun, 04 Oct 2009 20:17:13 +0000 I am indebted to Flibbertigibbit for passing this along. It was so thought provoking, I had to share. Thanks, Nina!

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October 1, 2009 Thu, 01 Oct 2009 17:03:49 +0000 Yesterday in the Senate Finance Committee, the GOP offered some of their 500 amendments to the Baucus bill, the passage of all of them, we learned from Sen. Minority Leader McConnell, will still not move a single Republican vote because the GOP is the party of “no” when it comes to health care reform.
Let me make that clear: there is no compromise, there is no reform of the health care system that will get bipartisan support.
Why even try to work with these guys?
Some of the amendments were silly. For example, Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-UT, offered an amendment only applicable to states that have the first letter “U”.
Many of the amendments were about federal funding of abortion and that was a cluster fuck deluxe that prompted U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachman, R-MN, to vomit as above.
You see, the Dems were all about accepting abortion amendments from the GOP until the GOP reached a sticking place: the Republicans wanted to ban all insurance coverage, private or public, from all coverage of any abortion procedures for any woman including procedures in the case of rape, incest and to save the life of the mother.
Finally, the Democratic Party majority got some spine and said that this is stupid and refused.
Because of that refusal to ban all abortions from all insurance coverage, we get this wingnut’s accusation that the Baucus bill will result in 13 year olds getting secret abortions at school.
Is this what the Republican Party now stands for?
Utter nonsense?
The answer, sadly, is yes.
The Republican Party now stands for nothing and so their partisans fall for anything, no matter how far fetched or stupid.

I found this on the Oklahoma Gazette’s website:

“The synergism resulting from our new organizational structure will strengthen all of our publications and collateral endeavors.”
– Bill Bleakley

Or, is this a parody of non-speak corportist p.r. hype B.S.?

It’s like he just tossed a bunch of polysyllabic words into a Basalmic fusion salad of almost English.

shut up, he explained

shut up, he explained

I know Mr. Bleakley and he is a good guy and a very smart guy. Those words never passed through his lips without a sneer or a smirk. And if it’s some p.r. lackey in his employ, then the guy deserves better than this half-hearted effort to say very little.

Really, what the hell does that even mean?

I see that shit too often and it bugs the crap out of me.

Somewhere there’s a website like Apostrophe Abuse or Passive Aggressive Notes that critiques public relations blurbs. Whoever wrote that piece of crap should be made to line up with Joe Wilson and that nutty Dem from Florida and all three of them should apologize to the nation for half ass thinking and speaking.

I keep thinking about that line in Thelma and Louise in which the Susan Sarandon character observes that we all get just about what we’re willing to settle for. Well, bullshit. OK. I’m still going to be settling for something less than all I want if I also want to draw a line in the sand and say, like Martin Luther, here I stand.

I want to be on the side of putting on our thinking caps and stop settling for shitty and require excellence. Let’s all pull up our knickers and put aside our decadent vices and be grownups.

Now, everybody together: how can we make Blogblah’s life better? Forget Franken. He’s already a U.S. Senator and can take care of himself. It’s my turn. All y’all get on board and put on your thinking caps like a good grownup and start the brain working on this millineum’s greatest problem: how can we best please a middle aged man in the middle of America, to wit, yours truely?

Get back to me on that real soon.


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September 30, 2009 Wed, 30 Sep 2009 20:57:07 +0000 Blogblah


Those of you who read this blog, few as you may be, know that I’m interested in politics. Unfortunately, politics has become, to me, much less interesting of late.

This is true almost completely because there is no more intellectual contrast between the competing political forces.

There isn’t much interesting in hearing upset citizens calling the president names. I understand being upset with politics. However, calling President Obama (variously and in combination) a “socialist, communist, Marxist, Nazi, Hitler, fascist” is much less than interesting since none of those words apply if we use those words to mean what they have always meant. Oh, I know that it’s radical and communist and Nazi to believe that words have meaning, but still. What is interesting to me is that this name-calling started during the election when Sen. John McCain started calling then-Sen. Barack Obama a “socialist”. After that, his vice-presidential nominee, then-Gov. Sarah Palin, went to town and hasn’t let up. Now, this name calling has expanded to “liar” and has spread through the quarter of the country who still cling to the Republican Party brand out in the hustings. In fact, I’d say the Republican Party leadership in the guise of Mr. Steele the party chairman has joined in when he tries to compare Obama to Stalin and Kim Jong Il in a fundraising letter.

I believe deeply in free speech and the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I wouldn’t stop these people from having their say. However, part of my belief in free speech comes from the Enlightenment ideals that underlie the First Amendment. In this case, it is the notion that free speech is good because “in the marketplace of ideas” the truth will contest with falsehood and that truth will win out eventually.

The problem today is that we’ve lost the marketplace of ideas. You would think that the internet and blogs would be perfect for such a thing, but it has not worked out that way. The reason it has not worked out that way is that the side that is calling these names just keeps shouting over everyone else and any attempt to examine these notions and compare and contrast to Obama’s record and speeches is drowned out.

The “logical” conclusion of this process is that those yelling have become more and more frustrated because they believe they have not been heard. The proof that they have not been heard, for them, is that the duly elected president of the United States who took office with a smashing majority continues in office.

Where does that leave those yelling? Well, it’s become more and more clear this week where it leaves them. It leaves them with a Facebook poll asking whether the president of the U.S. should be assassinated. It leaves NewsMax with a star columnist for the past decade raising the possibility of a military coup. It leads Orily Taitz to file frivolous lawsuits questioning President Obama’s birth certificate, despite all reason and evidence that leads us to believe he was born in the state of Hawaii to an American citizen and is therefore a natural born citizen eligible to serve in the White House. You would think that Obama had been selected by a fragile 5-4 voting elite rather than the people of the United States.

What seems most disconcerting of all is the way this loud minority has the swagger that comes from arming themselves to the teeth and if you think that’s just paranoia, look at the sales records for guns and ammo over the past year.

Then, there’s the problem of actual issues.

Again, there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of a debate over competing ideas.

What, exactly, is the foreign policy stance of the Republican Party?

I raise this question as simply one issue to illustrate the point.

Clearly, the notion of the neoconservatives that the United States should use its economic and military power to overturn other governments and bring democracy to all nations by force has been shown to be a disappointing and expensive failure. It doesn’t work and has forced America to seek other policies. So, why is it still on the table? Why are we still talking about cowboy diplomacy? No part of the notions of American exceptionalism, no part of the idea of an American hegemony over the world, no part of the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were anything but a multi-trillion dollar disaster. Why are the proponents of these ideas still on the Sunday talk shows? They’ve been thoroughly discredited by history and events and rejected by the American people.

On the other side of the aisle, it appears that Obama’s foreign policy is going to show some success. Iran, for example, seems to be isolated internationally and facing domestic problems that exceed its ability to handle. Doesn’t that seem better than what Bush was able to acheive in North Korea that got the bomb on his watch? Not only do I not understand why neocons still dominate the discussions on television and the newspapers, I don’t understand where the proponents of a rational foreign policy, even those critical of the president, can be found and heard. They don’t seem to show up on my television. There’s no marketplace of ideas if one of the main ideas has no marketplace.

Domestically, what is the Republican alternative?

There seems to be nothing about 47 million Americans going without insurance, fatally for about 18,000 yearly, that seems to bother them. They have no proposals for changing this state of facts. They don’t like what’s being proposed, I get that much, but I don’t really know why (other than “it’s socialist”) or what they think should be done other than nothing.

They don’t seem to like the bailout of the banks, but they started that while Bush was still in office and there did not seem to be any real alternative to a massive government intervention into the markets. Same for the auto companies. Was simply letting them fail, the paradigm capitalist response, really what they wanted?

For a party that was willing to spend a trillion dollars on a worthless war in Iraq, another trillion on drug prescription benefits and a third trillion on tax cuts for the wealthy, I find it hard to listen to them now complain about the budget deficit. Why is it OK to drive the budget another trillion dollars into debt to help the 3 million of the nation’s wealthy citizens OK but not OK to spend a trillion dollars to help 47 million of our poorest citizens get health care?

How does “drill, baby, drill” translate into an energy policy for the nation? Why does it have to be my own U.S. Senator, James Inhofe, who is the lone “credible” source in the world for the idea that there is no climate change problem? He believes it’s a “hoax”. However, in the marketplace of ideas, he has lost. The evidence is in. The votes are in. The scientific community has overwhelmingly responded. Sen. Inhofe is simply wrong, no matter how sincere his beliefs.

Part of today’s news is that a Democrat, on the floor of the House, accused the Republican Party of having a health care stance of “die early“. The GOP wants to somehow equate this to Joe Wilson calling the president a liar during a joint session of Congress. Stupid. Just stupid. No comparison, IMHO. Beyond that, however, is the question of what the Republican policy stance really is if it is not “die quickly.” In all the hubbub of “death panels”, what will they do about the 18,000 who die each year from lack of funding for medical treatment? How will the GOP rein in medical care costs that already account for 1/6th of the nation’s economy? Why are Americans paying the most in the world for health care only to get the 37th best health care? The problem for the Republicans, as I see it, is that it isn’t slander if it’s true. Before you convince me that saying “die early” is rude and off the charts, you’ve got to convince me that it’s an unfair characterization of your position presented in an inappropriate forum. It seems to me that a congressman speaking from the well of the House to other congressmen is precisely the time and place for such comments. It also seems to me that the appropriate response is to demonstrate how wrong the gentleman was in his conclusion. If the Republican stance is not “die early”, then what is it?

When we get to social issues, I’m even more at sea as to the Republican position. Is it OK to shoot abortion providers? Seems to be OK for lots of that 25% that back the TeaParty/Beck/Limbaugh faction.

What’s the Republican stance on equal rights for gays? Leviticus and homophobia? The LGBT community seems to be about 10% of the population. They are in the military and in pulpits. They work, pay taxes and love and vote and serve their communities in many ways. What part of that makes it OK to beat them up and deny them full citizenship? I simply don’t understand why the nation’s political policy must mirror the policy of the slave holding kings of ancient Judea. Nobody seems able to explain it to me.

What part of the so-called War on Drugs makes sense? We’ve tried it since Nixon in the 70s. It has not worked. It hasn’t worked on any level by any metric. It’s expensive in both public expenditure terms and even more expensive in personal terms for the 30% of Americans who would rather like to light up a blunt and find themselves facing jail time. Is there any reasonable person out there who can talk in a reasonable way about drug policy? Why is this not debateable? What person or persons can present rational arguments for continuing this failed policy? I don’t know who they are, I only know that hundreds of thousands of people with no expertise and no knowledge of the subject are driving another trillion dollar public expenditure for no observable purpose on strictly emotional arguments with no apparent substance.

How did we get to the place in which a very tiny minority, just a sliver of the 25%, got the power to ban books in school libraries and stop the presentation of President Obama’s address to schoolchildren in many school districts that regularly host political figures? I can make absolutely no sense of this. When did censorship become the right of the most vehement and vocal on one side of the political spectrum? How did a few, a very few, obtain the right to get a history textbook in Texas that contains both factual errors and serious omissions in order to bolster a political position?

Once upon a time, I understood the Republican Party, even if I disagreed. I could respect Republicans in my disagreement, even when I thought Nixon played dirty and that his “southern strategy” was ill-disguised racism. There were some principles at stake, even if I balanced the equities differently.

I understand the notion of limited government and balanced budgets and a sharp eye on bureaucrats even as I advocate greater government action to relieve domestic problems. I understand the idea of military strength sufficient to defend the nation against all external threats, even when I see the threats differently, as less dire.

These notions, however, no longer seem to be the driving intellectual force behind the GOP. In fact, these notions seem now to be the exclusive territory of the so-called “Blue Dog” Democrats.

The “truthers” on the left and the “birthers” on the right will, in some form or another, always be with us. Hell, even Col. Qaddafiya of Libya wants to get in on the JFK conspiracy theories. I don’t mind that. When you have 300 million people, some of them are going to be batshit crazy all over the political map.

What I don’t get is why they are treated as serious political views. What I don’t get is why the grownups in the room aren’t pushing back.

I urge you, my readers, and all 12 of you. Insist we ask Republican political leaders questions like: Do you believe Obama is a Nazi? Why?

I think we have to ask why we should listen to anyone lecture the nation about “Family Values” (there was just a convention of “family values voters” for the GOP) when all the leadership of that ilk turn out to be hypocrites of the worst order: Newt Gingrich having an affair while prosecuting Clinton’s impeachment and serving his dying wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital; Bill Bennett, who lecured us on virtue while running up millions in gambling losses; Ted Haggard, preaching God hates gays from one of the nation’s largest churches while pursuing a drug and paid gay escort secret life; U.S. Sens. David Vitter, John Ensign, Larry Craig, N.C. Gov. Mark Sanford, U.S. Rep. Mark Foley, all “values” politicians, all fallen on their own stiff dicks, uhm, swords.

Well, I guess the civil war is coming. Time to arm yourselves, my fellow members of the looney left. Get guns. Get big ones and lots of ammo. Oh, and get Kevlar vests and smoke bombs, too. Start making Molotov cocktails in your spare time. If there’s going to be a civil war, what the hell? Let’s take out a few toothless screamers.

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September 29, 2009 Tue, 29 Sep 2009 17:17:53 +0000 0 April 28, 2009 Tue, 28 Apr 2009 14:28:12 +0000
shut up, he explained

shut up, he explained

Just a thought … but what would happen tomorrow if President Obama came to the microphone and announced:
“My fellow Americans, I have come to my senses and I want to stand here and apologize to my Republican friends from the former administration for any implication there may have been from the White House that they were in any way wrong about using the CIA to torture people in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. I just don’t know what I was thinking, you know? OF COURSE I want the power to make people disappear and then hurt them until they say anything I want. Why wouldn’t a president want to be able to listen in to the conversations and read the email of, oh, I don’t know, political enemies who threaten the national security some how and all hush hush and state secrets and suspended habeas corpus and all that lawyer double talk? I mean, what president wouldn’t want to look across the table and be able to say “how would you like to visit Cuba? ‘Cause that’s where you’re going if you don’t sign off on this.”? I mean, it’s just too good. I mean, if you wanted a national show trial of, I don’t know, say, a former Secretary of Defense or Secretary of State or maybe even an elected official that isn’t really either judicial, legislative or executive, you know, I mean, it would be better if the show trial could include a nice videotaped confession, you know.
So, as to the press conference, the first amendment no longer applies to the president since we’re at war and all and you guys can buzz off and if you don’t like it, just remember Abu Grahib and Baghram have plenty of room for dissenters.
Good night, America. Sleep tight. I got it covered. Out.”

I don’t think the right wing realizes that they are, in essence, arguing that all presidents have the power that Bush arrogated to himself. Have they considered an Obama presidency with those powers and the willingness to use them that Dick Cheney displayed?

Do conservatives, or at least what passes for those that use that word, really want a president with that much power? I can’t believe iit. I can’t believe they don’t know what they are saying. I just can’t believe an American political party can be so far off the beam as to really be arguing in favor of a permanent despotic presidency.

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January 6, 2009 Tue, 06 Jan 2009 06:49:16 +0000 THE EYES OF TEXAS …

great football game!

great football game!

No matter what happens from here on out, it was good to be a Texas and/or Big 12 fan at the end of the Fiesta Bowl. It was by far the best bowl game of the season so far and one of the better games I’ve ever watched. Great football teams come from behind, they find a way to win, and Colt McCoy and Texas and Mack Brown passed the test against a quality Big 10 team.



Of course, this now means that no matter what happens on Thursday, both Texas and Utah are going to claim to be national champions AND Texas will continue to believe that Oklahoma “stole” the Big 12 Title and the chance to play Florida and actually BE national champs rather than just claim it. If Oklahoma loses to Florida, the hue and cry will be heard ’round the world. Horns will weep in the street and lynch mobs will be formed. There will be an attempt by a small group of Texans to secede from the union. For being so proud of their so-big state, they can cry like babies over football. Of course, Sooners are never, ever, ever crybabies and that 15-15 tie didn’t phase me a bit. We’re just cool. We have “Sooner Magic”, which means that we find a way to come back. Except when we don’t. Please Please Please Coach Stoops win this one, OK? I’ll get excited about college basketball around the time of the Big 12 tournament and maybe not until the sweet 16 in March. Oh! Before I forget, there’s also USC that thinks they have a claim to the title of national champions. They won the Pac 10 and beat Penn State in the Rose Bowl and really looked dominating.


Sometime during my marriage, my wife must have bought “my-fault” insurance.


The truth is that after the November elections, I’d been following politics closely for my whole life and started being interested in the presidential election in the fall of 2007 and built up to the point that I was honest to goodness reading political stuff on the internet from 8 to 12 hours every single day. I know that the story about Bill Richardson bowing out is important, as is the appointment of Leon Panetta to head CIA, but I just can’t get too excited about it. It’s not that I think anybody much cares about my political pronouncements, but I’ll talk and write about it again and more and to the distraction of some, but I’m just not feeling it right now.




MCARP complained in a comment that my picture looked like it was out of GQ and that his looked like it was taken at St. Anthony’s ER. He must think this one is better because he says it’s the one he uses on MyFaceCrack. He admits, however, that the photo has received at least one unkind review. The guy is a Photoshop Ace, I can’t figure out why he just doesn’t make himself look like he wants to look. Maybe put his face on a golden Bhudda being embraced by the multi-armed Shiva in an Edwardian-style piece of the two in a punt on the Thames. “Forbidden Kiss”. Or maybe lengthen his for-real beard into chin piece and long mustache Chinese elder style. I wish I could do that Photoshop stuff. Maybe someday.



Over on Nina’s blog, she’s changed her avatar to the one here. I think it’s only fair if she’s going to be so difficult about it all and be on hiatus and mess with the minds clueless men, this absolutely should be her avatar so that we might get the hint. I will say that any man who sees that and goes for it is likely to be a very competitive fellow, the kind of guy who looks for a challenge. We’ll have to get her to recite: “What part of ‘NO!’ did you not understand?”. Go with it, Flibbi, I think it’ll work for you.

A cool cat with blue eyes.  Call him Sinatra

A cool cat with blue eyes. Call him Sinatra

I’m miffed, Muffy. He’s supposed to sit at the window and let me in and out as I please and instead he put on hard shoes and a tie and left me outside all day where I couldn’t check every 15 minutes to see if he’d put out wet food. When he got home, I told him and showed him the food bowl several times and he ignored me. Tonight, when he’s asleep, I’m going to poo in his shoes. Time for a nap! Bye!

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