Blogblah!!! » Red Cup I just blather on and on about stuff that interests me, mostly politics and sex and sometimes movies and art. Wed, 07 Dec 2011 03:49:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 January 4, 2009 Sun, 04 Jan 2009 08:27:13 +0000 SATURDAY WAS A TOP DOWN DAY FOR BLOGBLAH

Are you gonna be my drop top girl?  It's a top down day

Are you gonna be my drop top girl? It's a top down day

I have beaucoups things to do to get ready for Monday and I’m working to get my calendars and contact lists all sync’d up and blah blah blah, but when it is 73 degrees Farenheit on January 3 in Oklahoma, there’s no way I could stay inside and pound away on the computer. Nor could I do anything else. I just had to get outside. Now, I know how Sinatra feels when he’s sitting on the window sill yelling at me to let him out NOW.

73 Degrees!

73 Degrees!

I dressed and got in the car and pulled it into the driveway and pulled down the ragtop and away I went on a little Saturday afternoon adventure when there was football on the television and everything (I don’t give a rat’s patoot about the NFL, so there it is). Perhaps you live in Tucson or in Charleston and don’t think it was REALLY 73 in Oklahoma City, so I even took a picture of the thermometer in the dash:
Since I didn’t really have anything to do or anyplace to go nor much money to do it with, I thought I’d just kind of drive around and see what was up and if anyone else was out on the streets looking for something to do or having found something to do or planning something to do.
Evil Empire Starbucks

Evil Empire Starbucks

The first place I went was the Evil Empire Starbucks since that was the closest place I could think of with outside seating.
However, there was not a soul around who I recognized among the sparse customers. I suppose the Nichols Hills people are all out of town at the lake or going to some bowl game or coming home from some bowl game or maybe they’re just skiing, but there wasn’t anything to keep me at 63d and Western and I didn’t even buy a cuppa there.
Red Cup?

Red Cup?

So, it was off to the Red Cup.
Yes, I know it’s called the Red Cup, but the identical white cup of coffee on the red counter you see in that picture is what I actually got. Along with a long note from Kurt the self-confessed bad businessman about how the menu is going to be curtailed and an equally long whine about his tiny digs and all the excuses for not serving his customers.
Lexi at Red Cup

Lexi at Red Cup

Good thing I don’t go to the Red Cup for the food or even for the coffee. What I do go to the Red Cup for is to see friends, which I had not found at the Evil Empire Starbucks. Sure enough, the first person I saw was old friend rarely seen these days, Lexi.
I have no idea why she was holding that rat in her lap, but she claimed it was a dog and who am I to argue when she’s there with her boyfriend and I want her to speak to me after she realizes her horrible error without me. She says she’s “good”, but we all know better depending on how she meant that.
Skip at Red Cup

Skip at Red Cup

Not two feet away from Lexi was the intrepid Skip, talking to Lars on the phone. He says he’s having a triune brain brainstorm session Sunday about 3:30 p.m. at Galileo’s and depending on the weather and how I’m feeling I just might go. Later, I saw Skip at Sauced! as well as the cup, but you don’t get two pictures and mentions that easily. Well, I guess you do.
Sauced! bike rack

Sauced! bike rack

Next on my list was, of course, Sauced! with it’s large patio outside and its clientele of young artist types and Paseo dug-ins and just the normal neighborhood folks. Here’s the famous Sauced! bike rack with several bikes installed because those bike folks seem to flock to Ed’s Place.

One of the people I saw at Sauced was fellow blogger and fabulous artist/architect/sculptor, Larry P, who runs the pop*modern blog, where I found the “THOUGHT FOR THE DAY”. Larry quotes a construction foreman as saying:
“I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.”
my oh my but ain’t that the truth!



Larry P was incognito at Sauced!, thinking about a beer and maybe not a beer but a thousand other things, but I took his picture so maybe you could recognize him if you saw him in one of those grainy black and white videos from a convenience store robbery or maybe a Scorcese film.

Speaking of fellow bloggers, I also saw LongRydeHome in all her beauty at Sauced! She was talking to some guys and she introduced me and all, but I wasn’t paying attention and I don’t know who they are. I wish I’d read her blog post for Saturday and had known she started out having a pretty hard day and what sounds like a good cry.



In the event, I figured she was working her mojo with the big, handsome guys whose names I don’t know and I drifted over to another table.
Christopher at Sauced

Christopher at Sauced

At the next table, I found a couple of friends chatting, Christopher and Andre.
I am very jealous of Christopher because he speaks foreign languages, has an absolutely gorgeous woman in his life and has and does travel the world. He even has a steady paycheck, which is a rarity in Blogblah world.
Andre at Sauced

Andre at Sauced

Andre, one of the cooler parts of a warm day, was deep into some kind of conversation around the table when I barged in, but it’s always great to see him. We talked about how dangerous a place it is between your ears sometimes.


For example, I thought this blog was going to be a good idea and a monster was created. Far too often I find myself in wonder at how good an idea it seemed at the time and how not-so-good it turned out.
Other than the schemes and dreams, though, there’s also a guy in my head at the head of the committee that doesn’t seem to like me very much and is yelling about what an imperfect screw up I am.
I blog to make him shut up.


Worst Ever

Worst Ever

Last, but not least, there will be an Inaugural Ballz celebration at my house on Jan. 17, the Saturday before Obama is sworn into office. It’s BYOB since I don’t drink, but there will be food, poker playing and a finale you won’t want to miss — the burning in effigy of the current Worst. President. Ever. Before that, we’re going to throw shoes and shoot BBs at the life-sized image I’ve had ever since Oz scared the hell out of me one April Fool’s Day a couple years back. Think 7:30-ish.

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