Blogblah!!! » U.S. Sen. Al Franken I just blather on and on about stuff that interests me, mostly politics and sex and sometimes movies and art. Wed, 07 Dec 2011 03:49:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 October 1, 2009 Thu, 01 Oct 2009 17:03:49 +0000 Yesterday in the Senate Finance Committee, the GOP offered some of their 500 amendments to the Baucus bill, the passage of all of them, we learned from Sen. Minority Leader McConnell, will still not move a single Republican vote because the GOP is the party of “no” when it comes to health care reform.
Let me make that clear: there is no compromise, there is no reform of the health care system that will get bipartisan support.
Why even try to work with these guys?
Some of the amendments were silly. For example, Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-UT, offered an amendment only applicable to states that have the first letter “U”.
Many of the amendments were about federal funding of abortion and that was a cluster fuck deluxe that prompted U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachman, R-MN, to vomit as above.
You see, the Dems were all about accepting abortion amendments from the GOP until the GOP reached a sticking place: the Republicans wanted to ban all insurance coverage, private or public, from all coverage of any abortion procedures for any woman including procedures in the case of rape, incest and to save the life of the mother.
Finally, the Democratic Party majority got some spine and said that this is stupid and refused.
Because of that refusal to ban all abortions from all insurance coverage, we get this wingnut’s accusation that the Baucus bill will result in 13 year olds getting secret abortions at school.
Is this what the Republican Party now stands for?
Utter nonsense?
The answer, sadly, is yes.
The Republican Party now stands for nothing and so their partisans fall for anything, no matter how far fetched or stupid.

I found this on the Oklahoma Gazette’s website:

“The synergism resulting from our new organizational structure will strengthen all of our publications and collateral endeavors.”
– Bill Bleakley

Or, is this a parody of non-speak corportist p.r. hype B.S.?

It’s like he just tossed a bunch of polysyllabic words into a Basalmic fusion salad of almost English.

shut up, he explained

shut up, he explained

I know Mr. Bleakley and he is a good guy and a very smart guy. Those words never passed through his lips without a sneer or a smirk. And if it’s some p.r. lackey in his employ, then the guy deserves better than this half-hearted effort to say very little.

Really, what the hell does that even mean?

I see that shit too often and it bugs the crap out of me.

Somewhere there’s a website like Apostrophe Abuse or Passive Aggressive Notes that critiques public relations blurbs. Whoever wrote that piece of crap should be made to line up with Joe Wilson and that nutty Dem from Florida and all three of them should apologize to the nation for half ass thinking and speaking.

I keep thinking about that line in Thelma and Louise in which the Susan Sarandon character observes that we all get just about what we’re willing to settle for. Well, bullshit. OK. I’m still going to be settling for something less than all I want if I also want to draw a line in the sand and say, like Martin Luther, here I stand.

I want to be on the side of putting on our thinking caps and stop settling for shitty and require excellence. Let’s all pull up our knickers and put aside our decadent vices and be grownups.

Now, everybody together: how can we make Blogblah’s life better? Forget Franken. He’s already a U.S. Senator and can take care of himself. It’s my turn. All y’all get on board and put on your thinking caps like a good grownup and start the brain working on this millineum’s greatest problem: how can we best please a middle aged man in the middle of America, to wit, yours truely?

Get back to me on that real soon.


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February 24, 2009 (updated) Wed, 25 Feb 2009 02:43:42 +0000 THE TWITTER FEED WAS LUNATIC!

An Obama Speech Live Blog by Andrew Sullivan

LiveBlog of speech by Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo

“Progressives” LiveBlog Obama’s speech at Daily Kos LiveBlogs the speech with Twitter Twist

I didn’t bother to watch — I don’t have TV at home now, and I didn’t want to go out — but that doesn’t matter as much as the blogosphere and CW reax in tomorrow’s papers, for which I am not going to wait up. If I have anything of substance to say, I’ll do it after digesting some likely bloated pontificating by pundits of all stripes.


Historically Carnival has been a last hurrah before the Christian season of Lent40 days of fasting and penitence beginning on Ash Wednesday. But its roots reach at least as far back as ancient Rome’s Saturnalia, a hedonistic winter celebration of Saturn, god of the harvest.

National Geographic

A Saturnalian Moment in Brazil

A Saturnalian Moment in Brazil

I haven’t heard from my son, who lives in New Orleans, about his experiences, but I’ll give him a couple days rest before I make him talk to me on the phone. I did notice a tweet from him about missing the Vieux Crew ball, but I’m not all that sure I want to know what goes on at the Vieux Crew ball. Compared to my children, I’m not nearly as mature. In fact, compared to most people, I may not be that mature, but that’s another matter.



I didn’t celebrate Fat Tuesday this year. Something about me being a recovering alcoholic and knowing better than to go to slippery places if you don’t want to slip, but that’s 12-Step insidery stuff that I hate to foist on you Earthlings (AA term for non alcoholics). I really don’t ever remember being all that worked up about the start of Lent because I never really observed Lent. Advent also escapes me, among other things. Lent is kind of like Ramadan, isn’t it? A long period of fasting and penitential character building? Sorry, I’m already a character and it’s something of a ramshackle building, but I rather feel comfortable in it. I put my feet on the table and eat over the sink and no one complains as long as there’s plenty of wet cat food available. And “penitential”? Me? Whifff. Besides, I can resist anything but temptation. Why would I deliberately set myself up to fail before the Almighty? So, this year for Lent, I’m giving up ritual and cant. How’s that?


If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.



Minnesota Still Without Senator

Former U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, R-MN, has strung out last year’s election and is still going and we’re not yet to the appeal level. I don’t think most people believe he has a chance of being successful in this challenge to Al Franken, but that’s not the immediate point. If he strings it out, as he’s done so far, it is one less vote for the next big bill, the budget resolution, universal health care, whatever, and one more Republican that’s needed to break the filibuster deadlock at 60-40 in the U.S. Senate. Meanwhile, his legal position becomes more and more attenuated and ludicrus, as this day’s entry in the soap opera demonstrates.

This is about topical politics, but I’m not linking to any one particular headline, but I must admit to being puzzled by GOP decisions to oppose Obama as a bloc. Let’s take U.S. Rep. Mary Fallin, R-OKC, who voted against the stimulus bill along with her caucus. Trouble is that the stim bill includes beaucoup money for Oklahoma, including a HSR system that will go from Tulsa through Oklahoma City down to Dallas and from there to either San Antonio or Houston. Seems like this will create 100s of Oklahoma jobs and pour millions into the local economy. Unemployment is rising and those with jobs are crazy afraid and she votes against funding unemployment checks? She voted against a tax cut for 97.36% of her constituents? What’s next? Put Tinker up for closing? What the hell is she thinking? I mean, really? (The link in this paragraph will take you to her constituent access page where you can send her an email asking such questions, if you’d like)

Chairman of the Bored

Chairman of the Bored

Muffy, he says there’s a lots of cool cats in Minnesota, but I still think I smelled a rat. I watched a robin and a mockingbird fight for nesting space in my back yard today. I think I like the jay fledglings the best, but you enjoy what you can and endure the rest, I suppose. I think something’s wrong with him, Muffy. He’s been waking up too early and getting up even when I cuddle in. That’s just not right. I’m pretty sure the boy’s just not right, but that’s what makes cats the rulers of the universe, isn’t it?
Mel Brooks had it right: it’s good to be king.

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