Top Spy Fired

The CIA has now been stripped of most of the senior intelligence officers with a lifetime of experience in the Middle East and with Al Qaeda by Porter Goss, the ideologue crony of Bush who is now the CIA chief. Let me make it simple: Bush is doing to the CIA what he did to FEMA and we will have a CIA equivilant of Katrina someday and the wingnuts will be in charge.

By Barton Gellman and Dafna Linzer
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, February 7, 2006; Page A06

The CIA’s top counterterrorism officer was relieved of his position yesterday after months of turmoil atop the agency’s clandestine service, according to three knowledgeable officials.

Robert Grenier, who spent most of his career undercover overseas, took charge of the Counterterrorism Center about a year ago after a series of senior jobs at the center of the Bush administration’s national security agenda.

Here’s the link to the entire Washington Post article:

Spy Fired