in which we gloat

It’s a little difficult to be blue when you’re swimming in a sea of Shadenfreude and dancing the happy dance on the beaches of gloating.

I’ll try to soldier on, though.

First, let me say that nothing in the election returns was as satisfying as reading the immediate post-election ‘net columns of Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.  Their heads exploded in the vice of reality and election losses of Congress.

Insert gloating happy dance of shadenfreude here.

It’s hard to say whether the end for Rumsfeld as SecDef, the smashing of Sen. George Allen’s presidential hopes on the rocks of Democratic takeover of the Senate or Sen. Rick Santorum’s ignominious defeat was the highlight of Wednesday and Thursday. 

I can’t parse that question because I’m too busy laughing at Bush’s notion that he can still push through Bolton as U.N. ambassador before January.  Good for Lincoln Chaffee, defeated in Rhode Island, for looking Georgie boy in the face and saying “shut the fuck up”.

Lest we forget, there’s no need to go far afield — wingnuts Sweeney in N.Y. and Pombo in Calif. both losing — for me to find deep, deep satisfaction: the Brad Henry trouncing of Ernie Istook right here in Oklahoma is plenty.  I’ve been a hopeful blue dog Dem on less in the past three elections.

I’m with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid about impeachment; no need to have that as a legislative agenda item at this time.  First we have some subpoenas, then we name a special prosecutor to look into some of those nobid contracts, then we impeach Cheney, all before we make Bush’s last year in office the springboard for a “permanent Democratic majority” and THEN his impeachment.  We need to have a fair trial before we hang the fucker.

Oh, and by the way, Bush is going to be out of town for the rest of the year on trips to Asia and Europe.  I think they’re setting up a good alibi for him when some shit comes down.  But, that’s paranoia for another day.