whether report

I have a sinus infection and bronchitis.

I have another large medical expense deduction for this year’s taxes.

Dr. Feelgood says I will stop smoking NOW or spend the rest of my life with an oxygen tank strapped to my back. He says oxygen tanks are not sexy and I will never again get laid.  Why didn’t nobody ‘splain it to me like that before?  I thought I smoked BECAUSE it was sexy.  That’s what all the commercials on TV said back when I started at age 15.

I am a sad man with stopped up ears, a running/stuffy nose and a hacking cough.

whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune …


2 thoughts on “whether report

  1. ultimate

    If you need any advice on that stop smoking thing, a week from today will be two years since I quit tearing the filters off and lighting them up. I find really violent, hardcore rap music helps a lot.

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