My year

My birthday is Friday and it’s been a helluva ride this past year.

A year ago, I’d just totalled the Miata and rolled up a few thousand in hospital bills I had no way to pay.

My credit card debt was overwhelming and the income was dribbling and insufficient.

I was depressed, he understated.

This year, I’ve got no credit card debt, I was able to make what for me are substantial donations to my church, AA and both my children and still I have money in the bank.

This year, the kitchen floor is tiled and not just a gray, mottled concrete pad.

I’m driving a much newer and more luxurious convertible.

I’m not depressed.

While my lovelife is neutral, that’s a step up for me.  In the ordinary course of events, I’m making myself miserable because I don’t have a girlfriend, because I do have a girlfriend, because i don’t have the girlfriend I want and the one I want won’t speak to me and the one I have won’t shut up, some other variation on that theme.

I’ve rather recently seen both my children and grandchildren and just completed an absolutely wonderful, terrific, fun visit with my sister MindOverMary.  My mother is in very good health, for which I’m grateful.

I’m not as healthy as I might be, but considering my age I have no complaints.

While I’m not serene, I’m mostly content.

I just celebrated 12 years of sobriety in my 12 step program.

My “hates” are political and aren’t personal — I don’t know of any relationship I have that is a “hot” personal dislike, especially on my part.

I think I’m likely to go to Santa Fe for a summer vacation in a short time.

I’m extraordinarily grateful for the close friendships and connections I have and the weekly get-togethers for exchanging personal news and views.  It’s the best part of my social life by far and very satisfying to me.  Just last night, I had dinner with Oz, Deb and The Gary and it was a wonderful break from my internet obsession of Sunday evening.

Last year, I hated hated hated the work on my desk.  This year, I have fun stuff to do that makes me happy as well as making me money.

Bottom line:  I’ll be happy this birthday.  Thank you.
