"Blog" of "Unnecessary" Punctuation

This really caught my fancy.  A “Blog” of “Unnecessary Punctuation”, in this case, quotation marks.  Thousands share this pet peeve, it seems.

blogblah!!! (what do they mean, “unnecessary punctuation”?  You mean, like three (!) exclamation points?  Or four?!?

One thought on “"Blog" of "Unnecessary" Punctuation

  1. RebL

    I did a talkie blog about the parts of speech in which I complain about pronouns being elevated to the same level as nouns. I was challenged to name the 14 punctuation marks. I thought you, as my journalisty wordsmithing father would enjoy my response.


    Dear Naomi:

    The real pisser is when (and where) to use which. I’m a little hypocritical about my punctuation since I despise the colon/semicolon mix-up, but I’m constantly in danger of comma splices. Also, I’m not entirely sure braces AND brackets are needed; nothing worth reading requires that much qualification. The list of punctuation parts has not kept up with the times as neither “” nor the asterisk has a spot — that doesn’t even take into account emoticons.

    Love [Middle English, from Old English lufu … Latin lubEre, libEre to please],


    P.S. You see? I never even used braces!

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