thinking about Obama

I’m obsessed.

I’ve been reading the violent reaction of people to the video of Rev. J. Wright. Shocking to me to read the vitriol and self-justified hate.

Obama was raised by a white anthropologist and spent most of his formative years in Indonesia and multicultural Hawaii. Do they REALLY believe he’s a racist and an extremist?

The Al Sharptons and Farrahkahns and, yes, Jerimiah Wrights will become relegated to minor figures by the very election of Sen. Obama. When a black man in America really can grow up to be president, some of the fire behind black anger must necessarily subside.

His success so far, it seems to me provides a new role model.

It seems to me that his candidacy has been a daily rebuke to those who think they can fulminate their way into power with loud denunciation, demands and florid angry tones.

He sat there for 20 years and listened to that insane America hating bile from the pulpit as his children sat in the pew next to him. God Damn America. Is that what Obama teaches his children? A thousand repititions proliferate across the internet as you read this.

I’m appalled to even have the thought, but it appears that far too many of my countrymen are willing to once again indulge in guilt by association and spiteful accusations amounting to branding another American as a traitor. Images of Max Cleland keep going through my head, Kerry with his medals branded a coward, now they’re trying it again and its working far too well for my peace of mind.

None of this says so much to me about Obama as it says to me about the American public.

And I am profoundly sad at what I hear.
