Blogblah Hiatus

I’m suspending my posting here for awhile.

I’m exhausted.

The presidential campaign and election has left me played out.

I’m so proud of my country for its turnout, more people voted and a higher percentage voted than in decades. That alone is a victory.

A great many people will write with more talent and insight than I have about Obama’s historic rise to president-elect. I’ve been his supporter since last year and I’m overjoyed.

The past couple of months, I’ve been an internet addict. I have spent anywhere from 4 to 12 hours a day on my laptop. It’s got to stop. I must reclaim my life. It’s become self-destructive to other areas of my life, to the point that I do very little of anything else I really enjoy.

I don’t know what else to do but make a clean break.

In three years, I’ve done about 900 posts and another few dozen comments. That’s a lot, for those of you who don’t try to do this.

When i come back, I’m going to try to come back with a redesigned page, more photos, more links and “tags”. I’ll expand my blogroll and make other changes I hope makes this page more readable and more friendly to discussions.

To my fellow bloggers, I’ll still read your stuff, but perhaps a tad less obsessively.

I really need a break, readers, so please don’t begrudge me a few weeks off. I love all of you and there’s nothing you can do about it.


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