June 23, 2009



Luck can be a fickle mistress. Last night, as I often do, I went to the prohibition room at the gold dome bank to listen to jazz. When I walked in, I saw a woman sitting facing away from me with dark hair, large earrings and a red dress texting furiously. I was sure it was the lovely Juliet, who I’d seen there before on rare occasion. I walked up behind and tapped her on the shoulder and when she turned around — Oh, my, but it was not lovely and it was not Juliet. I’ve been known to be pretty cheeky when greeting Juliet because I still love her so, but I was sure glad I’d been restrained. I’d expected blue eyes, a great smile, a model’s face, and what I got was … well, none of those things. Brrrr.
Yesterday was the 14th anniversary of my first AA meeting and I went to two meetings and got two chips. I’m lucky to have long term sobriety; few make it as far as I have and I can only tell you it’s a blessing and grace and not something I earned or gained by right.
I was also lucky with the music last night. About every time I would decide it was time to leave, a new player would join the jam and it would be too good to leave just yet. I’m often gone by 10:30 or 11 p.m. (school night, ya know?), but it was crowding midnight last night before I could pry myself away.

One thought on “June 23, 2009

  1. RebL

    I’m very, very proud of you, Daddy and I’m looking forward to seeing you.

    And now a story. I once drove to the Deli to pick up my husband who called for a sober ride because he was smart like that. I walked in and located him sitting with his back to me and. he. was. smoking. SMOKING! I marched right over and ripped that cigarette out of his hand and crumbled it up. He said, “Hey!” in a voice that wasn’t his own and looked at me with someone else’s face. I mean how rude, how inconsiderate, how wrong were he and that stranger in the bar to make me do that!?! Lesson learned: Don’t shoot until you see the white of their eyes.

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