December 22, 2009 updated!

A very warm holiday wish to my friends and loved ones. I’m happy to get out of town to have Christmas with my grandchildren and I look forward to seeing old friends and having fun in Los Angeles for New Year’s Eve, but I’ll certainly miss those I leave behind.
For the first year in several years, there will be no Christmas Eve Santa at my house. I’m very sorry. I wish my friends had taken up the slack and kept up the tradition and maybe they will yet, but it doesn’t look like it.
I’ll be missing OuiMarcy’s Blue Moon New Year party and that’s a tough hit to take. She sets out the very best spread of food for a party of anyone in town and the company is always so very pleasant.
I’ve been reading John X’s adventures in Vienna and he seems to be having a great time. I am very jealous. So jealous, I intend to take my own time in Europe in 2010.
Sister Mary’s adventures in S.C. seem like fun and MCARP is throwing out the old to make way for the new, cleaner spaces in his house.
As far as I can tell, God is in his heaven and all is right with the world.
Even in the United States Senate.

One thought on “December 22, 2009 updated!

  1. SoArt

    Quisling! I am having to donate money outright to charities because you dropped the ball on being Santa this year. And “all is right with the world”! Did you drink Lieberman’s Koolaid?
    There it is. I believe I’ve adequately expressed my dismay at you for having actual holiday plans and I can’t be too severe since I am also traveling. But when we get back Mister, you can make it up to me by showing up for dinner some night. So, there. Happy holidays and hugs and snogs to you and yours. Cheerio,

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