Tag Archives: gratitude

February 4, 2009



I’ve been thinking today about something my father used to say: “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.”
Funny, isn’t it, how a man I thought so stupid when I was a hotshot teenager could grow so wise over time — even after his death.
Some of you know the story in my life demonstrating this saying. I was sitting in probate court one day, feeling very sorry for myself. Oh! Quel Catastrophe! Life just was not worth living, I thought as the court docket was being called. Then, the judge was stumped by the name of one of the cases. H-O-U-G-H, is it pronounced “How” or “Hoag”? A woman’s voice chirped from the back of the room: “Huff, your honor, like rough and tough!” Continue reading