Tag Archives: marketplace of ideas

September 30, 2009



Those of you who read this blog, few as you may be, know that I’m interested in politics. Unfortunately, politics has become, to me, much less interesting of late.

This is true almost completely because there is no more intellectual contrast between the competing political forces.

There isn’t much interesting in hearing upset citizens calling the president names. I understand being upset with politics. However, calling President Obama (variously and in combination) a “socialist, communist, Marxist, Nazi, Hitler, fascist” is much less than interesting since none of those words apply if we use those words to mean what they have always meant. Oh, I know that it’s radical and communist and Nazi to believe that words have meaning, but still. What is interesting to me is that this name-calling started during the election when Sen. John McCain started calling then-Sen. Barack Obama a “socialist”. After that, his vice-presidential nominee, then-Gov. Sarah Palin, went to town and hasn’t let up. Now, this name calling has expanded to “liar” and has spread through the quarter of the country who still cling to the Republican Party brand out in the hustings. In fact, I’d say the Republican Party leadership in the guise of Mr. Steele the party chairman has joined in when he tries to compare Obama to Stalin and Kim Jong Il in a fundraising letter. Continue reading