Tag Archives: Tea Baggers

November 19, 2009 Part II updated

shut up, he explained

shut up, he explained

A majority of Republicans do not believe that Obama was the legitimate winner of the 2008 presidential election; they believe ACORN stole the election for him — which would mean there were 9.5 million illegitimate votes for Obama, an election fraud that is incomprehensible.
Here is the poll by Public Policy Polling.
Only very few Democrats and Independents think ACORN was much of a factor and this view is held by about 26% of all Americans but 56% of Republicans.
Flabbergasting. I’m nonplussed. Here’s some analysis by TPM since I’m too gobsmacked to really go into it.

UPDATE: The right wingnut Hoffman in NY-23 who shouldered the GOP candidate aside and then lost to U.S. Rep. B. Owens (D-NY) now wants to “un-concede” the election because, of course, ACORN stole his election. At least that’s what he tells Glen Beck.