June 10, 2009



Tuesday, I moved my office from 13th and Shartel back into my house. My home is a wreck and I have all my stuff all spread out and disorganized and on the floor and stacked in boxes in the garage and it’ll take me a couple of days to get up and running again.

It feels like a relief. I’m not sure what I’ll do, but the die is cast.

Meanwhile, I want to say how wonderful it has been for the past several years to work with Floyd W. Taylor. He’s been a mentor and friend and, from the day I moved into his offices to this very day, a lawyer I admire and look to as a good example of the profession at its finest. For a fanatical fisherman, he’s a great guy. Blog love to Floyd and his wife, Mickey, and son (who is studying for the bar as I write) Kevin. You guys are the best and I’ll miss you too much not to drop by often to see how you are.

Sinatra’s Muffy has been in a slump and he and I stood outside and yowled in sympathy last night. It won’t help, but it made US feel better.

Thanks to Zane and Steve-O for the transportational help. Good job, guys!


One thought on “June 10, 2009

  1. SoArt

    Your mess sounds like mine at my house only I didn’t move an office into mine. And you can straighten it out in a couple of days? What’s your secret?

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