Full Moon and Empty Arms



OMG, it must be the full moon. I’m wandering around the internet and come up with this little nugget. Former French President Jacque Chirac says that President George W. Bush told him in 2003 that it was necessary to invade Iraq to foil the demons Gog and Agog. What? This notion staggers me, but here’s the story and the references.

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MindOverMary and her sidekick Robin left town today to go to New Orleans to visit my son, Jack. BTW, if you are on FaceBook, you are an adolescent dick and should not be reading my blog, but even so, you should check out Jack’s page. He is completely hilarious.

I spent a bit of today watching clips and listening to songs from John Hughes filmography today. Breakfast Club and the like. Also watched quite a good bit of Ferris Beuller’s Day Off. Reminds me that last night, under the full moon and quite alone in my bed with lightning in the sky outside, I watched the Coppola-directed “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” starring Gary Oldman, Anthony Hopkins and a bunch of other people, but notably the irridescent performance of Tom Waits as Renfield and the most awesome ever FAIL by Keanu Reaves attempting to play a Londoner with a Brit accent. This is a very sexy film and that’s why the empty arms since I watched it alone in my big old empty bed. I was in the mood for images of beautiful, undressed, busty women vampires licking Neo while he tried to stop a bus from going under 50 mph or whatever. Did they really cast that guy as Constantine? Comic book fans should demand a firing squad.

Went tonight to Untitled Gallery to see the fiber art and hear the strings. It was lovely to hear the music: they played the Eurythmics on five stringed instruments for the finale. I took some camera phone photos of some of the work and I’ll post them if I get them downloaded. Made me think of MB, so I emailed her some in hopes she’ll like seeing work in a familiar medium.