August 29, 2009 updated

Senator Doctor Tom Coburn does it again. Weeping woman asks for help with her brain injured husband who has been refused help by their insurance coverage. Tom tells her to suck it up and beg for help from her neighbors but not the government. Watch.



Oh, Teh Stupid, it burns. More right wing, jaw dropping idiocy from Glen Beck:

One thought on “August 29, 2009 updated

  1. Araquin

    If you guys took to the streets by the dozens of millions every day or at least every week (like we would, BTW) instead of just deploring the state of affairs and leaving the action to the Right, you’d win eventually, trust me.

    But as long as everbody is just bemoaning the state of affairs on their blogs and doesn’t leave his or her comfort zone, i.e. their homes (and you are not the only one), nothing will change in that country of yours!


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