Tag Archives: Teh Stupid

October 1, 2009

Yesterday in the Senate Finance Committee, the GOP offered some of their 500 amendments to the Baucus bill, the passage of all of them, we learned from Sen. Minority Leader McConnell, will still not move a single Republican vote because the GOP is the party of “no” when it comes to health care reform.
Let me make that clear: there is no compromise, there is no reform of the health care system that will get bipartisan support.
Why even try to work with these guys?
Some of the amendments were silly. For example, Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-UT, offered an amendment only applicable to states that have the first letter “U”.
Many of the amendments were about federal funding of abortion and that was a cluster fuck deluxe that prompted U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachman, R-MN, to vomit as above.
You see, the Dems were all about accepting abortion amendments from the GOP until the GOP reached a sticking place: the Republicans wanted to ban all insurance coverage, private or public, from all coverage of any abortion procedures for any woman including procedures in the case of rape, incest and to save the life of the mother. Continue reading

August 29, 2009 updated

Senator Doctor Tom Coburn does it again. Weeping woman asks for help with her brain injured husband who has been refused help by their insurance coverage. Tom tells her to suck it up and beg for help from her neighbors but not the government. Watch.



Oh, Teh Stupid, it burns. More right wing, jaw dropping idiocy from Glen Beck: