Tag Archives: Dystopia

January 15, 2010

The End Of The World?
Really, baby sis? Really?
The End of the World?

There was a time in the 19th Century when some American religious zealots thought they had calculated precisely the day of the Rapture, the “end of the world”. Hundreds of Americans devoutly gave away their worldly possessions and gathered on a particular hilltop. Eh, not so much. Eventually, they just drifted away after awhile.


cosmic hand of god

Think about most of the “end of the world” scenarios that become popular. The Mayan 2012, nuclear winter, the Rapture, massive asteroid smashes into the globe, for example. Actually, if you think about it, the WORLD doesn’t end; it’s just most of us and civilization AS WE KNOW IT that ends. Not the world.

Absent Trafalmagorians racing into their sun/star or Darth Vader’s Death Star, the world isn’t going to end for billions of years until old Sol gets feisty and swallows us. I’m thinking we won’t care half as much a billion years from now. We’ll just teleport to another solar system and get on with our lives.

And conspiracies? Puh-lease.
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