Category Archives: Personal

More personal crap

Overheard at an AA meeting:

“I’ve spent my life believing that if you love me, you don’t love me enough, and if you criticise me, you have gone too far.”

I certainly seem to operate like that, but I never heard it expressed in this way — the way that makes it sound as selfish and self centered as it really is.

It’s part of the reason another friend of mine says we shouldn’t call it AA, we should call it “Grow Up”.

On the other hand, I’m starting to feel homogenized and, well, like pasteurized processed cheese food product.


12 Step.

Church of What’s Happening Now, starring Robin Meyers.

Self Help Books





Maudlin, self-involved poetry

Mostly, I don’t want to be noticed while I occupy the limelight.

I want it to be OK — WITH ME — to be pretty good while still flawed.

I’m ready to graduate or whatever. Just live and not go to AA meetings or to see Jolly Dr. Max or to have angst about missing Mom’s birthday nor to have all my ego tied up in my relationship to some girlfriend/lover/fantasy.

I want this wind to die down. It’s making me edgy.

It’s another full moon and I’m in Cancerian/Moon Child high alert.

Life is struggle. I’m going to go embrace that.

P.S. MCARP!!! Put on some socks.

Quick Personal Note

I had a terrific time at Galileo’s last night. Son del Barrio is a salsa band and people got up and danced and had a really good time. I got up and danced with Pink Lady and had a wonderful time. Larry P was there with his crew and had a good time. Christopher was there with his lovely lady and had a good time. If you weren’t there, you missed something and can’t say I didn’t give you a heads up.

Thanks to Kat’s Mom and SuzArt for calling to check on me. Je ne regrette rien.

Our Deepest Fear

By Marianne Williamson

From: “A Return to Love”

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Is it coincidence that I ran across this quote today? Did you also need to hear this? Something tells me that someone who reads my blog needed to read this. Maybe not all of you, maybe just one. Maybe just me. Here it is. My guess is that whoever you are, if you exist at all, it’s someone who also needs to hear that I love them. I do.

Fear and Loathing in OKC

It’s hard for me to blog today.

I’m having a difficult time and, to make matters worse, it’s a hard time of my own creation.

I’m being very self destructive at work, ignoring clients and files and huddling inside myself, afraid to go forward, afraid to stay still, and unable to go back.

I spent all day yesterday having imaginary and angry conversations with someone who is absent from my life.

But, boy, did I tell ‘em off. Over and over. Rehearsing angry words I’ll never say.

I’ve done two things “right” this week. On Monday I went to an AA meeting. On Tuesday I went to an AA meeting. Those are the right things I’ve done so far this week. That’s it.

Last night, I went to bed at 11 p.m. but at 2 a.m. I was still grinding over a failed relationship, rehearsing the angry words. So unfair, so horrible, so monstrous, I can’t face it, oh my.

I got some good advice: “let it go”.

How, exactly, do you do that?

How do you not think about the white horse?

I’m off kilter and can’t seem to get centered.

On the outside, I look good. I’m wearing Armani today.

Inside, I hate myself and all my imperfections, all the things that make me, … well, … me.

I don’t have to drink over this, but it was close enough last night that I reminded one of my favorite bartenders that I’m a recovering alcoholic and not to serve me whiskey, even if I ask.

I got up today, showered and got dressed and came into the office.

Tonight, I’ll get with friends and go to dinner and see a movie at my house.

I’ve received a reminder that I don’t have much in the way of troubles in this world and that others face much greater challenges.

I’m at the office and if I sit here long enough, maybe I’ll do SOMETHING and anything will be better than sitting at home feeling sorry for myself.

I have much to be grateful for: family, friends, material wealth, health, and the list goes on and on.

I may not be perfect, but I’m not a bad guy.

I’m not smart enough to solve every problem, but I’m not stupid.

The weather is very good, especially for January, and the top’s down and the sun is shining.

Grinding over old bones will not make my past better.

Right now, I’m safe and warm and clothed and housed and solvent.

Take a deep breath, John. Just calm down.

Erase those old tapes, dude. There’s no going back.

No doubt, the universe will unfold as it should. Without MY personal direction, I might add.

I don’t know what I”m afraid of, but I am so weary of being scared.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.


Nothing like an AA meeting to make the world a better place. One of the good things about being a recovering alcoholic is that I can go to a meeting and often will hear just exactly what I need to hear. Some way of looking at my situation that isn’t crazy and doesn’t involve getting drunk and throttling someone or putting a gun in my own mouth. Something that reminds me of my humanity and what I have in common with other human beings. It’s one of the few “safe” places in my life, where I can go and not feel afraid. People that I feel sure won’t hurt me, at least for that one hour. So, as to the above: nevermind.

A corrective

You know, you could read some of my most recent postings and come to two very wrong conclusions. You’re to be forgiven. I gave you no contrary clue to my posts.

The first wrong conclusion one might well reach would be that these posts are merely disguised in generalities and that they are, in reality, directed to one particular individual. This would be incorrect. These notions cover a variety of relationships, long and short and intense and more frivolous, that cover my adult life.

The second wrong conclusion one might well reach would be that I am a misogynist. That I hate women or have some bigoted or stereotypical ideas about women. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am NOT a misogynist. I am a misanthrope. The relatively few women in my life seem to exhibit some patterns. This has as much to do with me as it does them and I don’t confuse the women in my life, many of whom have been totally outstanding individuals, with ALL women.

I despise these female behaviors in my relationships, of course.

But, that’s just one of my more recently articulated and short term whines and gripes.

I really am a misanthrope. Much more than I’ve been willing to admit in the past.

I hate men just as much as the women I described in my earlier posts.

I hate the beer guzzling, ball cap wearing, golf playing hail fellow well met guy who is behind on his child support. Don’t even get me started.

I hate the guy in a golf shirt, nylon sweat pants, white socks and Birkenstocks who wants to give me wardrobe assistance.

I hate the guy who is up to his ass in hopeless debt and living hand to mouth who just MUST bore me with his financial platitudes.

I hate the guy who never had a successful relationship in his life who has good advice for the lovelorn just for my personal and extended pleasure.

I hate the guy who asks for my free legal advice and then tells me I’m wrong.

I hate the guy who habitually and gratuitously selects the most polysyllabic and archane synonym. (Takes one to know one, huh?)

I hate the know it alls and the know nothings. I hate the guy who always advises “no” because there’s always 15 good reasons why it won’t work.

I hate doctors and lawyers, shrinks and accountants, drug and alcohol counselors, “Christian” therapists, teachers, police, firemen, insurances salesmen, mechanics and dentists. I hate carpenters, actors and politicians. I thoroughly despise academics. I despise poets and their poses and painters and their pretensions. There’s nothing worse than a preacher and the writers are all big bores.

I hate belligerent drunks.

I hate cocky prepsters and arrogant jocks.

I hate hip hop white guys from middle class suburbs.

I hate anyone who ever used the term “Bee Ahtch”.

Other than that, Ann Coulter is a cunt.

More in the way of afterthoughts

I am so very restless. Full moon and windy weather that seems like spring instead of winter. I’ve been driving nowhere to do nothing and roaming my house, lionesque prowling and growling at those around me whenever I go out of the house.

I am feeling very antisocial.

My impulse control is at its limits from moment to moment just trying to keep me from putting a boot into my TV screen.

Probably it’s a good thing that I have things to do this weekend, but no date. First time she says something like “there’s a piece of lint in your hair, let me get it for you”, I’d be off on her about controlling women. (Please laugh with me over that line.)”

No doubt the universe unfolds as it should.

You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you neeeeeed.

Workin’ on mysteries without any clues.

Rock lyrics are the popular poetry of our day and it infuses our life, doesn’t it? Little platitudes for living, like a perpetual AA meeting full of “the gurus” who have a slogan for everything. But they resonate as true, so we put up with having our philosophy of life reduced to six monosyllabic words.

I’m living a bumper sticker life.

My desperation got louder.

I want to howl along with the Watermelon Slim that’s been in my CD player for days now.

Can a guy with the top down on his Miata in mid January sing the blues?

I’m sick of the vapid, insipid daily-ness of life.

The self-centered alcoholic in me (he’s the babysitter for the scared little child. fucked up, huh? that’s the way it is inside here) loves chaos to the extent that I want any change, even if it’s for the Murrah Building to be blown up by some looney tune militia white trash conspiracy.

Bring on the explosions! Let there be gunplay! Automatic weapons and anarchy!

I want electric stations and highway overpasses to shatter.

Make the sewage plants splatter fecal matter over the entire town as a homemade biological disaster.

Throw grenades into emergency rooms and shoot the RPGs at the communication dishes at the police and fire stations.

Blow up the grocery stores and set fire to the liquor stores.

A molotov cocktail through every car window, every plate glass storefront and over the fence at the lumber yards.

If I can’t have the love life I want, I’ll have none at all.

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.

Better to die on my feet than live on my knees.

I’m an unwilling prisoner of capitalism, of behavioralism, of western rationalism, of television and movies and radio and cell phones.

I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore

There. Again. Captured by a slogan from a fucking 30 year old movie.

I want to kick the shit out of everyone who’s ever read the Bible and kill anyone who hasn’t.

I want to call down the wrath of God on Pat Robertson.

I want to level Carthage, leaving no one stone on another, salt the earth, kill all the men and take all the women into abject slavery. ( Ever wonder where racism started? Right there on Cicero’s lips: “Carthage must be destroyed!”. That’s what I think, anyway. How can we ever know the consequences of our actions? Yet, we pick arbitrary points of time and call ourselves good or bad never knowing the end of the story. Back to the rant.)

I want to sleep with the Whore of Babylon. You out there, honey?

I want to slay Medusa and defy her father, Zeus.

I want to sail with Odysseus.

I want to rocket to another planet.

I want to sleep all day with the covers over my head.

I want to heal the sick and raise the dead.

I want to be remembered and missed.

I want to be centered and serene, unperturbed and calm throughout.

I want to be like water, always flowing naturally.

I want to let go of the unimportant and challenge myself to achieve infinitely.

The world actually will unfold without my exertion.

My fellow humans will do the best they can by their own lights and within their own time.

For I know the plans I have for you … They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11

Some Afterthoughts

I’ve been thinking about the stuff I wrote about how I don’t want to hear any criticisms.

Do I have a fragile ego?

Hell, yeah.

Not always.

I can hear what my friends say. I get my share of pokes in the ribs from my friends and I think I take it pretty good.

I do divorces and get called names that would scorch your ears by my client’s estranged spouses, other lawyers and even a judge or two from time to time. That’s just my business and it goes with the territory and I don’t let it get to me too badly.

Like everybody else in the world, I get my share of fingers shot at me by passing drivers and my share of ugly and unhappy at the mall. I went down to the station for my fair share of abuse, as Dylan wrote last century.

But, in a relationship, it’s different.

I’ve let down my guard. I’ve made myself emotionally vulnerable to you. It doesn’t take much more than a light touch for me to react with the sensitive skin I’ve presented you.

My scared little boy inside is hypersensitive and hypervigilant. I’ve spent a lifetime being the good boy who looks at the chicken innards of eyebrows, frowns and scowls to determine my future. I am mostly doing my dead level best to please you and I never have a malicious intention.

So, what I don’t need is a jerimiad or a screed. Don’t nag me or chide me like an underling. No need to berate me or demean me. It’s overkill and it really hurts and it makes my psychic armor bristle. If you find you are speaking to me much in the way an irritated teacher speaks to a errant gradeschool child, you’re probably talking your way out of a relationship with me.

Those of you so inclined may now indulge in your symbolic vision of me killing my father and self destructively putting out my own eyes out of the shame of raping my mother.

So, here’s the deal, ladies. If you just MUST fix someone, try working on yourself. When you’ve reached Buddha-hood and Enlightenment and Nirvana, let me know and you can immediately begin telling me all the places I’ve fucked up in my life. Until that time, you can accomplish almost everything you could ever want by doing the counter-intuitive thing. I am very hard to push around, it’s true, because I tend to push back instead of going the direction you desire. On the other hand, I can be easily led. A little flattery here and a little encouragement and support there plus some patience will get you very far with me. If that’s not working, try showing some leadership and actually work on your own side of the street. You might be surprised how often I’ll follow suit.

Instead of punishing behaviors you don’t like, try rewarding the behaviors you do like.

And PLEASE don’t mistake me for some one-time behavior I’ve exhibited. Even if I’m a jerk in one instance, try to remember all those times I wasn’t a jerk and the additional times I was a dreamy prince. One instance of being a jerk doesn’t make ME a jerk. It merely means that I was a jerk on that occasion.

You might also get some perspective. Even though I’m not perfect, who will you find that is? Is this a fight you really have to win to be happy? Is THIS the place where you want to draw the line for all time? How often do you think you get to do that before there are so many lines that I can’t move and get claustrophobic and break up in anxious and neurotic frenzy? Isn’t that kind of boundary drawing best left for the things that are really important?

And, ladies, if you think I’m the only guy you know who feels/thinks this way, you are just dead wrong. Again.

The world upside down

OU lost at home last night to Missouri in a 1 point game. Yesterday, there was snow on the ground and today, the top is down on the Miata in the face of a 65 degree forecast. Welcome to Oklahoma, where the world regularly turns upside down.

I listened to a little NPR this a.m., trying to catch some of the Judiciary Committee hearings on Judge Alito. Our own U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) sits on the committee and he was up for part of the time I was listening in. What a goober! It’s freakin’ embarrassing to be represented by this wing nut. Oh, well. The people have spoken.

Noticed on the front page of today’s Gazette that 5th Dist. Congressman Ernie Istook (who wants to run for governor against Brad Henry) is donating to charity nearly $30,000 in campaign contributions that were tainted by the Jack Abramoff and Tom DeLay’s corruption scandal. It’s freakin’ embarrassing to be represented by this wing nut. Oh, well. The people have … why does this sound familiar?

I don’t have a g/f right now and I’m OK with that for once. Seems a g/f will notice when I’m less than perfect. Like when I “clock” another woman at Flip’s when I’m out with her. It’s a bad move on my part. SuzArt says she’d walk if it happened to her. Maybe so.

But, you know, I don’t care right now. I really don’t. I have been “fixed” by the best. One after another outstanding woman has given me some really good advice about how I can improve myself and be a better boyfriend.

I don’t want any more advice.

I don’t want to be fixed.

I know I’m flawed. Got lots of places where I might improve.

Don’t want to hear about it.

That’s probably wrong of me as well. Shouldn’t everyone want to get better?

Fuck that.

I am not a pre-existing home to be painted and plastered and remodeled. Good foundation, good roof, needs fixin’ up for resale at a profit.

Fuck that.

I’ve been raking myself over the coals for every little shortcoming for half a century now. I’ve got a momma, three sisters and a daughter all telling me from time to time where I fall short of the glory of God. What I do not need is another woman in that line with another set of her own complaints.

I know about my failures and shortcomings. Right now, I’m interested in building on my good points and I’m waiting for someone to be happy to get what they get when they get the flawed me. I’d like to be appreciated for my intelligence, education, taste, generally good manners, kindness, generosity, willingness to be emotionally available, maybe even my looks. When do these things outweigh my shortcomings? When does an “A” for not playing golf and not drinking get to be good enough without also having to berate me for some trivial matter for which I get a “C”?

Here’s a complaint I’ve heard on more than one occasion that kills me: “we eat out so much it ruins my diet and I’m gaining weight.” What? That’s MY fault? I thought you LIKED being taken out to eat!!! Another one I have some trouble with is smoking. I don’t like that I smoke. I keep trying to quit. I know it’s bad. I know it’s unhealthy. I know it’s expensive. Why is it necessary to get that lecture from everyone who dates me? I was smokin’ when you met me, babe, and I’ll quit as soon as I can, so can we move on? Nope. Gotta hear it over and over.

I would be a one-woman man by choice. I prefer relationships. I’d like to have a LTR and I like being in love. I’m no damn good at it. That’s just all there is. I don’t do it well. I freely admit that I don’t “get it”. There’s clearly something that I’m not understanding and/or doing. There’s clearly something wrong with the way I approach relationships.

As for now, I give up. I have other things I want to do. I have other things I want to accomplish. The new and improved me is going to have to wait for 2007. This year, I’m going to be involved in politics and art. I’m going to write and practice law. I’m going to work on my flawed house and my kitchen floor is my No. 1 priority for being fixed, not my poor relationship skills.

So, I’m sorry. My apologies to all those women out there who loved me for my potential and hated me because I don’t live up to their expectations.

Maybe next year.

The Holidays are SO confusing!

Sometimes family circles become spirals of memories and old feuds. Old hurts dredge up. Our childhood wounds become today’s disappointments and the love we want still eludes us.

We feel the pressures of our impulse buys while we struggle to stay with our Christmas lists and the crowds make us cranky from the moment we start looking for a parking place. Today, especially, it’s a major undertaking just to get the hell out of the house only to slip and slide on the ice and snow that covers Oklahoma City.

There’s all that end-of-year business stuff when we get the bad news about just how hard we worked for how little and we have to catch up on the boring paperwork we’ve been putting off since October, or maybe June.

There’s the spillover from our friends and lovers as their stuff spins out of control and we all take it out on each other and expect some “slack” from people we love who have no more slack to give.

All of this set against the inevitable out-of-control expectations that we’ll feel all along like a 7 year old boy unwrapping an Xbox 360 on Christmas morning in our footies and bed head.

There’s nothing like Christmas to destroy my Christmas spirit.

As I write this, snow has begun falling gently, promising a White Christmas but delivering wretched driving and frayed nerves. It’s a perfect metaphor for the holiday season which, of all times of the year, is the most fertile for suicide.

Then, of course, there’s the wretched excess of New Year’s Eve when everyone tries to feign having a much better time than they are really having and so, to make up and cover up and to forget about it, we drink far too much to try and fill that gap between our heart’s desire and our reality. We fret about that perfect date that we do not have. We wish we were kissing someone else as they play that wretched Scot’s poem about old friendships.

And then we stare into the dark of cold winter and another year of the same thing same as it ever was same as it ever was same as it ever was.

Why is Leonard Cohen so lighthearted?

Because we must be led by our hopes and not driven by our fears.

Because we must act as if there were a God despite the radical impossibility there ever was one (Sartre).

Because there is nothing good nor bad but thinking makes it so (Shakespeare).

There’s no reason to face the traffic at the mall nor the crowds of cows that go there. Go to Milissa at Mockingbird Manor and order some handmade jewelry for a one-of-a-kind gift. Go to Suzanne at Paseo for an encaustic and have no problem at all parking and get a work of art instead of a boring sweater. Buy a one of a kind tie from Diane Coady instead of a boring school tie from Foley’s.

Choose one person in your family or among former friends to get right with. Stuff your old crap where the sun don’t shine and polish up your good stuff by going the extra mile to put back together a relationship. Make it your Christmas present to yourself. Enemies are easy, it’s friends that are hard. Your resentments over things that happened when you were a child is you drinking poison hoping they will die. Stop it. Instead, forgive in the same measure as you wish to be forgiven by someone else. Cut the slack you want for yourself.

For me, this is a sobering season — and those of you who know me well know that I’m a recovering alcoholic and sober is precisely the right word. You will not be surprised to know that I’ve been a full bore asshole at times this past year. My end-of-the-year business this year is to clean up some of the messes I’ve made. One part of that process is me forgiving a few people for not realizing that I’m so fabulous that whatever I want and whatever I do is the perfect thing and realizing myself that maybe I haven’t been perfect in every situation every single time. Maybe, gulp, take some responsibility for my behavior.

Despite this, I’ve watched a major relationship go south, precipitously, just this week. Some part of me says, though, that letting go may be the kindest thing I can do. I’m thinking that this may be one of those times when what I want and what is right are two very different things.

How do you make God laugh? Tell Him your plans.

To some of you, I’m not much of a Christian. To me, a Christmas tree is a pagan symbol of the fact that the early Christian Church co-opted the pagan Bacchanalia winter solstice celebration. I do not believe the story of Christ’s virgin birth and the Holy Spirit.

I do believe in the words of Christ. Our lives will become a heaven on earth if we will only avoid judging our fellow humans and instead offer them our love. We must begin that process with ourselves, drop our heinous self-evaluations and remember that we are loveable, if by no one else then by ourselves.

I met a young woman at Galileo’s the other night and I think her name is Heather. She was punk’d in appearance with multicolored hair, tattoos and piercings. I met her because she was at the next table and I heard her start talking about the film “Coffee and Cigarets”, a rather obscure movie, but one of my guilty pleasures. I interrupted, confessing that I’d eavesdropped. I suppose she was 21 years old at least since she was in the bar area, but she was young by my standards, whatever her age. Just a random incident in my random life. Except for one thing: it’s perfectly predictable that I will meet unusual people hanging out, as I do, at the Paseo. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons why it’s my adopted second home. There’s more to it than that, even. There’s also the fact of my life that I’m gregarious. A great many people may have seen that movie and could overhear that conversation and keep to themselves. That’s not how I’m made. It’s also perfectly predictable that I’d speak up. Especially since she was a lovely young woman — Yes, I do know who I am. What is the nature of life? Is it unpredictable and random or is it merely complex?

Ah, this dance of life.

The bottom line for me is that when I try to direct my life, I fuck up. When I simply live with love and openness and passion, good things happen to me. When I insist on my self-importance, I ruin my connectivity. When I simply accept others as beings doing the best they know how to do at the time, I am serene and surrounded by friends.

I had a long conversation last night with someone I love and have loved for a long time now. I hope we got back on track because we’ve been alienated for awhile. One of the principal barriers between us is me. I’m all righteous about it and certain that I was right and she was wrong and, even though we talked in part because I’m determined to overcome my stuff, I still had those feelings. The hard part about it, or one of the hard parts in all events, is that I’m so very nostalgic for my relationship with her. I wish I had that intimacy back. Alas, I don’t think that’s possible. Again, I don’t blame anyone but myself. I just can’t put together the trust necessary for the intimacy I want more than anything. I know. Contradictory and stupid, but there it is. I realized that I would never regain my trust in her (or anyone for that matter) by staying aloof and refusing to be in her presence. It’s still hard. I know that I am doing the right thing by putting aside my doubts and hurts, but that next step to openness is so difficult for me as to be nearly impossible. All that’s required is the slightest change in my own thinking and I’m there, but I’m so very arrogant and self centered that it seems like an impassable chasm. Also the task seems too great for my feeble powers. The old arguments still loom out there in her thinking that’s she’s got no choice and me the same. It’s so sad to be my own observer and see both of us longing and wishing and hoping with such foolish hopes that we will someday be who we want to be rather than who we are. I think both of us would put it back together if we could and … we … just … can’t … quite … get there.

On another front, have I mentioned that I’m Alfie? Inside, I’m the man in the conversation last night who longs for the serenity and security of having only one woman in my life and in whom I can place the ultimate trust to know who I really am. Outside, I’m Alfie. I drive a sports car, dress flashy and flirt with every skirt that passes, flashing a good smile and making a smart remark. I have to own up to the fact that almost everyone regards me as an interesting diversion to a passing woman who is in a certain mood and not much more. I’m not sure why I think that acting the playboy will hook me up with the kind of woman who wants a long term relationship. And, my inner experience is not at all like the outer shell that others seem to observe. Inside, I’m horrible at meeting women and even worse at “closing the deal” because I abhor casual sex and insist on lovemaking rather than fucking. I’ve put myself in a bad place and it’s fair to say that, as a general rule, I’ve sabotaged every important relationship I’ve ever had on the reefs and shoals of sex. Fascinating little riddle, what? I absolutely hate and have no sympathy for Alfie, but that’s who I seem to be.

Just as I suggested y’all avoid the problem of holiday traffic with an alternative strategy, I think I shall do the same this Christmas — avoid the problem. If I am to be alone this Christmas, I will see it as a good thing. A time to take my own measure. A time to enjoy being with the good company of John Long. Whoever I see on New Year’s, they will be the perfect date and the perfect kiss. Or not. I will bear ill will to no one, especially myself. I forgive all tresspasses and beg for forgiveness, no matter how big an asshole I have been. I’m trying to do better and will as soon as I get perfect. Thanks for inquiring, btw, but I’m already being “fixed”. It’s just that it’s a big job and it seems to take a lifetime to get it done.

Merry Christmas, folks.

Resist Bush while we still can.

Post Script: I know this blog entry is confusing and random and scattered, but I started out saying I thought it was a confusing season.